

Project Manager

Bilateral Meetings

  • 02.30 pm - 04.00 pm
  • 04.30 pm - 06.00 pm
DescriptionDesign and installation of off-grid, hybrid PV-Windturbine-genset and battery system, Development of cooperation with local companies, in Africa Especially, in the aim to create a strong partnership.ENERSOL SPRL is a 50 people medium company, specialised in renewable energy in general. We have activities in Burundi, Rwanda, Burkina Faso, Brasil and Congo DRC.
Organization Type Small and Medium Company ( SMEs )
Organization SizeAfrica
Areas of Activities

Wind Power

    Solar Power


        Battery / Energy Storage

          Rural Electrification


              Offer & Request

              Design and installation of renewable energy generator_looking for strongpartner in African countries

              Design and installation of off-grid-hybrid PV-Windturbine-Genset-Battery system, small and large scale, Development of cooperation with local companies, in Africa Especially, in the aim to create a strong partnership.

              Cooperation Offered
              1. Investment/Financing
              2. Technical co-operation
              3. Outsourcing co-operation
              Cooperation Requested
              1. Outsourcing co-operation