Finias Magessa

Technical Advisor
GIZ TANZANIA - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Intenationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH

Bilateral Meetings

  • 02.30 pm - 04.00 pm
  • 04.30 pm - 06.00 pm
DescriptionGIZ Tanzania is part of the Global Germany technical cooperation network. It offers broad Technical assistance and limited piloting initiatives in a number of areas. Specifically on energy sector in Tanzania GIZ through SENERGY programme it is engaged among others in energy efficiency initiatives, energy regulations, renewable energy and rural electrification, and promotion of gender participation tapping rural electrification potentials. Through its technical advisors it offers capacity building and development (training, gap analysis, TOR for service providers to address identified gaps, etc.) in the subject areas, facilitating and linking local energy project developers with potential investors and financiers; support fundraising processes for local developers and promotion of private sector participation in rural electrification activities in Tanzania. It supports a pipeline of energy developers in collaboration with other key partners including REA, EWURA and MEM.
Organization Type Development Organization
Organization SizeAfrica
Areas of Activities

Hydro Power

    Solar Power



          Rural Electrification

            Offer & Request

            Investment and financing

            We are looking for investment opportunities and offers for the pipeline of private sector Rural electrification projects (more than 50) in Tanzania. We are also available for partnership by offering quality technical assistance services in Tanzania.