
Vivian Vendeirinho

Founder & MD

Bilateral Meetings

  • 02.30 pm - 04.00 pm
  • 04.30 pm - 06.00 pm
DescriptionRVE.SOL  is a rural mini-grid project developer and operator. We arguably run one of the longest standing community managed micro-grids in Kenya, inaugurated in Nov 2011. We plan to electrify 150 communities in Northern, Western, Coastal and Central Kenya over the next 5 years. In addition we are active in Mozambique and Tanzania where we have a portfolio of projects in development.
Our KUDURA solution address not only energy access but provides potable water and in some cases, biogas for cooking.
Organization Type Small and Medium Company ( SMEs )
Organization SizeAfrica
Areas of Activities


    Solar Power



          Inverters / Power Components

            Rural Electrification


                Offer & Request

                Raising project finance for 150 Kenyan communities to be electrified in 5 years.

                Seeking EPC deployment, Operations & project finance partners to electrify 150 Kenyan communities in 5 years.

                Offering cooperation to develop portfolio of 30 communities (and growing)

                Keywords: kenyawaterrural electrificationkudura
                Cooperation Offered
                1. Outsourcing co-operation
                2. Technical co-operation
                Cooperation Requested
                1. Outsourcing co-operation
                2. Technical co-operation
                3. Investment/Financing
                Offer & Request

                Scaling up commercially viable access to electricity services in Mozambique

                Scaling up commercial investment in access to electricity and water services for rural communities & co-located agri-business through Concessional Loans & Results Based Finance in Mozambique. Seeking investment partners.

                Keywords: mozambiquemoçambiqueenergywaterkudura
                Cooperation Offered
                1. Outsourcing co-operation
                2. Technical co-operation
                Cooperation Requested
                1. Outsourcing co-operation
                2. Technical co-operation
                3. Investment/Financing
                Offer & Request

                Substitution of diesel power generation for night time fishing & community electr. in Tanzania

                We are developing a series of mini-grid projects on Lake Tanganyika within fishing communities where diesel use for power generation (car batteries and LED fishing lamps) is prevalent. Seeking local partners and investors.

                Keywords: kuduratanzaniaenergywaterfishing
                Cooperation Offered
                1. Technical co-operation
                2. Outsourcing co-operation
                Cooperation Requested
                1. Investment/Financing
                2. Technical co-operation
                3. Outsourcing co-operation